a skeleton crew production
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"Adam Marcus’ savvy seasonal shocker that’s smartly scripted, wonderfully acted and fiendishly funny"

Alan Jones

"A fabulously heartless, acidic deconstruction of the festive season. Hilarious and cringe-enducing in the very best way!"

HorrorScreams VideoVault

"If you’re looking for a new Christmas classic, a new Horror movie to add into your cycle of horror movies... Then I think I found it here with Secret Santa! It is fantastic"

Man V Film Video Review

"A vicious black comedy that packs one hell of a punch"

Projected Figures

"Secret Santa is comedy gold… National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation glitched up with The Crazies"

Bloody Flicks UK

"The sharp script by Marcus and Sullivan contains enough barbed wit to allow SECRET SANTA to be compared favourably to the best of John Waters"

House of Mortal Cinema

"SECRET SANTA is Brilliantly Scripted and has some great kills… So If you want an offensive, laugh your ass off, violent Christmas movie then Adam Marcus & Debra Sullivan have the movie for you"  5/5

The Killer Spotlight

"Looking for a holiday film with a family more dysfunctional than yours? Then look no further than Secret Santa.  Some of the most fun       experiences you’ll have in watching a film. This film will clearly become a holiday staple for horror fans" 

The Blogging Banshee

"a snowy splatterfest that repeatedly plays upon the discrepancy between the supposedly seasonal joy of Christmas, and the seething aggressions and resentments that brew underneath" 

SciFi Now

"A fresh twist on the psycho infection drama. Wickedly funny through and through" 

Kim Newman: The Kim Newman Site

"Secret Santa is up there with the best holiday horror!" 


"Secret Santa feels very much like a throwback to that early 1990s kind of horror in terms of its presentation and I feel that fans of late 80s and 90s gore will have considerable fun with this" 

Scared Sheepless

"the fantastic insanity Marcus puts on screen is hilariously entertaining on so many levels"

Marc Morin

"I can’t recommend this film enough. Once I get my hands on a copy I’ll be watching it every Christmas seasoN"



Justin Corbett

"A Holiday Film For Horror Lovers And Family Haters"

Dan Wickline

TwoOhSix portland film Festival "Favorite of the year"


new adam marcus interviews


SyFy Wire Article

Friday the 13th: Jason goes to Hell 25th Anniversary Interview with Writer and Director Adam Marcus

Midnight’s Edge

The Calling Hours 2.35: Interview with Adam Marcus

Morbidly Beautiful


Daily Grindhouse

Jason Goes to Hell' Director Elaborates on Film's 'Evil Dead' Connection

CB: Comicbook / Horror

Ep1: Adam Marcus

Macabre Monthly

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Secret Santa Suite (Tim Eilers)

As you go over the hills and through the woods, to grandmother’s house you think, “I’m so excited for the Christmas Eve Family Dinner. I can’t wait to see all my relatives”. Said no one… ever!

More likely you’re thinking… “Can’t wait for Dad to tell me I’m going nowhere in my career? How quickly will Mom mention the ten pounds I gained this year? And will Aunt Carol, who’s had five failed marriages, sarcastically ask me about my love life before or after dessert?” 

So ask yourself, “If they weren’t your family, wouldn’t you just chop them into little pieces and feed them to some reindeer?!”

Well, tonight might be your chance to do just that… whether you want to or not.

Welcome to Christmas Dinner at the Popes. As dysfunctional and tension causing as your family’s holiday celebration. Except tonight something is different. Tonight, for some unknown reason, everyone decides to say what they think about each other. What they REALLY think about each other. All the ugly truths they’ve been hiding for years start splattering the table, like spoiled gravy. It isn’t long until saying what you want to, becomes doing what you want to…

Always wanted to kill your uncle for his racist remarks?  Go ahead, do it. Make your little brother eat his words, or his own tongue? You outweigh him, go for it. Wanted to dismember mom or dad for questioning your life choices when they’ve made the exact same choices? Just let them try and stop you.

Secret Santa lays bare all the false veneers we hide behind and shows who we really are beneath it… vicious, murderous, sick and twisted.  

Brought to you by the people behind Jason Goes to Hell – The Final Friday, Texas Chainsaw 3D and From Dusk to Dawn. Secret Santa is a wild, horrific, terrifying and oft times hysterical look at the base instincts we all hide from each other. 

Go ahead, join us for Christmas dinner... if you dare.

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behind the scenes

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the filmmakers

Adam Marcus

Adam Marcus

Bryan Sexton

Bryan Sexton

Robert Kurtzman

Robert Kurtzman

The Writers

The Writers

Jason Honeycutt

Jason Honeycutt

Guillermo Dorado

Guillermo Dorado

Jude B. Lanston

Jude B. Lanston

Melissa Corkern

Melissa Corkern

Jeff Karr

Jeff Karr

Marcia Mattern

Marcia Mattern

Timothy Eilers

Timothy Eilers

Freddy John James

Freddy John James

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the cast

Drew Lynch

Drew Lynch

A Leslie Kies

A Leslie Kies

Michael Rady

Michael Rady

Debra Sullivan

Debra Sullivan

Ryan Leigh Seaton

Ryan Leigh Seaton

Nathan Hedrick

Nathan Hedrick

Michelle Allaire 

Michelle Allaire 

John Gilbert

John Gilbert

Curtis Fortier

Curtis Fortier

Pat Destro

Pat Destro

Freddy John James

Freddy John James

Petra Areskoug

Petra Areskoug

Eddie Jordan III

Eddie Jordan III

Tracy Drolet

Tracy Drolet

Will Dixon

Will Dixon

Scott Burkett

Scott Burkett

Rachael Kemery

Rachael Kemery

Jaden Reid

Jaden Reid

Joyce Greenleaf

Joyce Greenleaf

Joe Howard

Joe Howard

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Several years ago, writer/director Adam Marcus, writer/actress Debra Sullivan and producer Bryan Sexton were sitting on the set of a studio movie they were all working on and pondered the question, “Why aren’t there any more Roger Corman’s out there”? Back when filmmakers were creative kings, they had a chance to work out the kinks of their art on lower budgeted, smartly produced movies. Oh sure, the talent had to be there, but gifted filmmakers still had to have a chance to be molded into the Coppolas, the Scorseses or the Demmes. You don’t start with “The Godfather” or “Mean Streets”.  You start with “Dementia 13” or “Crazy Mama”.  

And what about cast? There was a time when the unknown Tom Hankses and Sandra Bullocks of the world, got jobs in little films, usually horror movies or romantic comedies, where they could get the screen time needed to eventually become household names. Now, most independent films have Oscar winners in supporting roles.  

Well someone had to do something. So to that end…

The Skeleton Crew was formed! Sullivan, Sexton & Marcus have created a company where filmmakers and artists can find their voices and tell stories that inspire. Allowing creative ideas to come to life by limiting the excess of most filmmaking endeavors. Allowing new talent to rise in a safe space where learning one’s craft is supported and nourished.  A place where undiscovered talent could do their dream job and make their movie.

And with that, they are joined by Skeleton Crew TheatreWorks. Like the legendary Mercury Theater, Marcus has assembled a troop of remarkable actors who now get an opportunity to do the kind of work they’ve trained their whole lives to do.

Alongside a roster of brilliant behind the scenes artists, Skeleton Crew Productions is ready to create stories for a worldwide audience with a full slate from three separate divisions, Big budget, Micro budget and Television.

With everything from Historical Drama to Horror to Comedy to Thrillers, the team has found brilliant talent to cover a gamut of genres.

Sexton, Marcus and Sullivan oversea all projects, making sure the product is up to their standards, while giving filmmakers the opportunity to bring their vision to the screen, big and small.

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